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When and How to Co-operate in ISKCON?

The Co-operation Chart

(See 4 min video below for explanation)

The ISKCON GBC has repeatedly proven itself not following the orders, teachings and instructions of Srila Prabhupada and the Guru-sasdhu-sastras. Nor do the GBC has regard for and faith in the eternity of these instructions and thus their plans for ISKCON are not designed keeping them as primary authority.

Thus, to save Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON, the only option left is the replace it with a more authoritative body, the Bureau, who has proved itself to more or less strictly follow Srila Prabhupada and guru-sadhu-sastras; and at the least they have high regard for and faith in these instructions and thus always try to make these instructions as primary authority while designing plans for ISKCON India (which is under its authority). However if the Bureau continues co-operating with the GBC, then it will no longer be able to be loyal to Srila Prabhupada and guru-sadhu-sastras. 

That reason is also given in the śāstragurur api avaliptasya kāryākāryam ajānata. Kārya akārya. If the spiritual master does not know what is actually to be done, what is actually not to be done, and he acts against the rules and regulations of the śāstra, then such spiritual master may be given up.

—SB 1.16.36, Tokyo, Jan 20, 1974

Here the word “api” is used to show that even the guru must be rejected then what to speak of other authorities, if they do not follow guru-sadhu-sastra


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