Prabhupada often said the religious process we are following is not Hinduism,
but Varnasrama Dharma or Sanatana Dharma and he repeatedly glorified and
stressed the necessity of establishing and following Varnasrama duties in his
purports and lectures. Towards the end of his manifest presence, in his last
instructions to his disciples and followers, he ordered us to ‘immediately’
establish Varnasrama colleges wherever our temples are, as a prerequisite to
establishing Varnasrama. In other words, all temples, leaders and members of
ISKCON should be working towards this. What to speak of Srila Prabhupada,
Bhaktivinoda Thakura (the grandfather of ISKCON who pioneered the worldwide
spread of the sankirtan movement) also wanted it and ordered his disciple and
son Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura to establish Varnasrama.
it was quite astounding and horrifying to see that Seminar no. 15 in this
year’s Iskcon Leaders Sangha (ILS) 2020 held from 14th – 20th
February at Mayapur was titled: “How to Mess up your
life with Varnasrama” by Kaunteya Das. The content of the seminar was
concentrated on giving different scenarios when, and how Varnasrama can create
problems if implemented and so it should not be implemented at all or not fully
implemented in ISKCON (the conclusion was unclear). This of course is in
contradiction to Srila Prabhupada’s order to ‘immediately’ implement
varnasrama. In this article we examine how the points used in the seminar to
show how varnasrama is not practical or fully implementable, by calling into
question some of its systems, precepts, practices and citing the current state
of social affairs in the world; are erroneous in trying to show how varnasrama
can mess up our lives. The article was written by listening to the recording of
the seminar and so the exact time in the recording, of the points made is
indicated. The recording of the seminar can be found online. We also found while writing this response
that this seminar was delivered at the GBC College in Tirupati also, with the
title tactfully changed to; “How to Mess
up your life with (misapplied) Varnasrama”. We appeal to anyone hearing
this seminar to form their opinion about Varnasrama – by studying Srila
Prabhupada’s books and lectures, and not from points in this seminar.
The title of the Seminar
Before we consider the content of the seminar, let us
consider the title. The title is offensive because, as mentioned above, the
establishing of Varnasrama was the desire of Srila Prabhupada, Sri Guru
parampara and Sri Krsna, and so is dear to the hearts of all those who call
themselves Vaisnavas or Prabhupadanugas. If something is dear to my Gurus or my
worshipable lord, then I would not like to see it in a title indicating how
that thing can mess up our life. I will give an example. If I give a seminar titled;
“How to mess up your life with Srimad
Bhagavatam”, then whatever else I said in the seminar, even if it is not
against Srimad Bhagavatam, it is still offensive to Vaisnavas because Srimad
Bhagavatam is dear to the Vaisnavas (SB 12.13.18). So it is for Varnasrama also
(visnur aradhyate pantha nanyat tat-tosa-karanam), which is pleasing to Visnu
and therefore dear to Vaisnavas.
Another point is that Varnasrama is an institution created by
Krsna (BG 4.13, BG 18.41-44), as a material solution for organizing society and
providing the most ideal social, economic, cultural and religious system which
are factors needed in any civilized society. He says therein that if everyone
follows their varnasrama duty and worships Him then they will get perfection
(BG 18.45-6). Srila Prabhupada says in the purport:
Everyone should think that he is engaged
in a particular type of occupation by Hrsikesa, the master of the senses. And
by the result of the work in which one is engaged, the Supreme Personality of
Godhead, Sri Krsna, should be worshiped. If one thinks always in this way, in
full Krsna consciousness, then, by the grace of the Lord, he becomes fully
aware of everything. That is the perfection of life.
[Bg 18.46, purport]
Therefore we see that varnasram is a supreme all-encompassing
solution to the material needs of the conditioned soul which enable him to
ultimately also attain supreme perfection, when he worships the supreme lord
while preforming his God-given duty in society. Even if we begin to follow only
a fraction of it, it will bring auspiciousness and relief from material
miseries. So how can this mess up our lives in any way at all? Rather, the
opposite. Today in India we see remnants of varnasrama and we see that India is
more peaceful, with more stable families, more dutiful wives and husbands, more
disciplined children, better businessmen, better scholars and better warriors
than the west due to the remnants of their varnasrama past. It should be noted
that the author is not from a vedic/hindu background and not born in India, so
this is not self-aggrandizement.
I have to say that more than the unpleasantness I felt at
seeing the title of this seminar was the fact that it was held openly in the
most auspicious place for Gaudiya Vaisnavas, at the most auspicious time of the
year for Gaudiya vaisnavas in a gathering of the future and current leaders of our Vaisnava movement, and no
one protested about it.
The content of the Seminar
Varnasrama is inseparable from Vaishnava society at least
here in the material world and has been mentioned and glorified in all our
Vaisnava literatures and by all our Vaisnava gurus. It was prominent in all
other Vaisnava sampradayas, why should we think it should not apply to us? Sannyasis,
brahmacaris, grhasthas, stri-dharma etc., were always part of Vaisnava
societies as we read in our scriptures. Thus our meditation should be on how to
serve Sri Guru and Sri Krsna and please them by propagating and glorifying
Varnasrama, and not on how it should not be implemented because of A,B and C.
Srila Prabhupada gave numerous reasons why it should be implemented and how to
overcome the obstacles to its implementation not how we can mess up our life
with Varnasrama.
We now begin to see the points made in the seminar. The
introduction to the seminar explained the importance of varnasrama. Then points
were made in the seminar on how points in support of establishing varnasrama
and many of its aspects are not necessarily beneficial, possible or practical
in this age. In order to support these points selective quotes of Srila
Prabhupada were given. We feel that by giving only selective quotes, not a full
picture of Srila Prabhupada’s opinion was revealed in some of these points. Below
the comments in the seminar appear in bold and the figure preceding it is the
time in the seminar where the comment can be found.
00:05:00 – Varnasrama norms,
rules, traditions are very good, beneficial for our development, and our
purification but the elements should be healthy and functioning, otherwise it
could be very much counterproductive.
Just as accepting a spiritual master is enjoined in sastra and highly
beneficial, but a false guru will end our spiritual life with false
Here an analogy was given about how – just as accepting a
spiritual master is important, the wrong type of spiritual master can cause
havoc in one’s life; similarly, in varnasrama all the roles should be
functioning correctly otherwise it will be harmful. What is implied is that
just as one rejects a false guru, so in any relation in varnasrama where the
other party is not doing their duty we need not do our duty in that
relationship in varnasrama and can reject that relation.
So according to him in this way one should reject a wrong wife,
wrong husband and wrong authority, and a new relation established where both
sides are functioning.
The idea of giving up a guru who has deviated is taken from a
verse in Mahabharata, in Udyoga-parva 179.25;
guror apy
karyakaryam ajanatah
parityago vidhiyate
karyakaryam ajanatah
parityago vidhiyate
"A guru who does not know what is to be
done and what is not to be done, who has left the path of devotional service,
should be abandoned."
The main point of the idea in this verse is
that the disciple should remain a proper follower of sastra and dharma and so
if the guru deviates from that path then he cannot guide the disciple properly
and the disciple should give him up, and accept another guru who can guide him
along the dharmic path according to sastra. But he has used this verse to say
that if the other party in a varnasrama setup is not doing their role then we
should reject that whole relationship. In other words he is saying they should
go against sastra. The idea of
extrapolating this verse of giving up a non-bonafide guru to giving up any
other relation which is not functioning is not correct use of this concept.
According to this thesis of his, a woman in a
marriage who sees that her husband is not doing his duty, should abandon her
duty and can also abandon the marriage. This is adharmic, as divorce is not
allowed in Vedic culture and is sinful. We see in a similar situation Srila
Prabhupada’s sister remained in her marriage and continued doing her duty
exemplarily as did Mandodari, Ravana’s wife. Thus, those who propagate this thesis
that there is no harm not following one's duty if one's partner doesn't follow
his/hers duty perfectly, are people deviated from sastras (such as the giver of
this seminar) and should not be followed but given up according to the
guror-apy-avaliptasya verse.
The point is that varnasrama should be established, and here
he is saying that if it is partially established with all varna’s not doing
their roles properly then it is dangerous and counterproductive. Firstly,
although Srila Prabhupada spoke on Varnasrama many times and the urgency of
doing so, he never made this point that it should all be implemented all at
once in a one go or not all, otherwise it will be dangerous.
Is Kaunteya Prabhu proposing here that we should wait till we
are ready to fully implement varnasrama, and then at some particular date implement
it all at once with everyone doing their respective duties suddenly? That is
not possible and so as we can see, varnasrama was established a little at a
time. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura took sannyasa, established the
brahmacari asramas, grhastha asramas, upheld stri-dharma practices, introduced
brahmin diksha and preached to each of these groups to do their duty. In no way
was it the full implementation of varnasrama. Srila Prabhupada followed suit by
implementing all of this in ISKCON in the same way and told us to fully
implement varnasrama. So was Srila Prabhupada and his guru Srila
Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura wrong or doing some dangerous practice by
partially implementing varnasrama? No, because that is how it will have to be done.
There will be some mistakes, some exploitation etc until the system is
perfected. Anyway in this material world which is inherently imperfect there
will be those imperfections even if we don’t try to implement varnasrama. In
this way we can see that this point is not correct.
00:06:30 – According
to sociological concepts, roles of individuals are interdependent and
interrelated and as one role changes, other roles also have to do so. If you
were to remember one word from this seminar, it is ‘interdependence’. Duties
and roles don’t stand by themselves, they change according to time place and
He mentioned above that roles are interdependent, which is
true. And that as one role changes others must do so – this is not a Vedic
concept. Someone not doing their duty is acting sinfully, as Krsna told Arjuna,
Arjuna being convinced of this asked Krsna what it is that makes someone not
want to do their duty (BG 3.36) and Krsna said it was because of kama. If
someone succumbs to kama and doesn’t do their duty, should everyone change? Not
so says Manu Samhita in Chapter 8, verse 15 which states that: one who protects
or upholds dharma is protected by it (dharma raksito raksitah). This means
there will be times when people will defy or not act according to varnasrama or
sastra and our duty is to resist that change and remain dharmic, and fixed in
our role. Being conditioned souls with material contamination, we will always
have many reasons to not do our duty, one such excuse is that, others are not
doing their duty, so why should I? According to BG 3.9 we are supposed to do
our work for the satisfaction of Visnu so there is no consideration on whether
others are doing their duty or not. It seems like here the confusion came due
to juxtaposing modern materialistic study of sociology with eternal Vedic
concepts. As followers of Vedic religion, thought and culture, our basis of
thought should be based on Vedic concepts which are perfect as they have a divine
origin, rather than mundane sociology by imperfect conditioned souls.
00:09:00 – Things
don’t stand by themselves. If a role mutates, other roles change…If conditions
change prescriptions of sastra change, then instructions of sastras change and
roles change. It may be no more applicable or need to be somewhat modified to
It is dangerous for conditioned souls to change or modify
roles, rules and regulations given in sastra (BG 16.23). Acaryas appear and
show us how to live according to sastra in our age. They are empowered by Krsna
and yet they do not transgress sastra although they may give some temporary
change to. We cannot whimsically change sastric rules and directions. We simply
have to follow their guidelines. Some people claim that Srila Prabhupada
changed some points in sastra for us in this age, but Srila Prabhupada himself
says the spiritual master must follow sastra or he is not a spiritual master.
The actual center is the sastra, the
revealed scripture. If a spiritual master does not speak according to the
revealed scripture, he is not to be accepted. Similarly, if a saintly person
does not speak according to the sastra, he is not a saintly person. The sastra
is the center for all. Unfortunately, at the present moment, people do not
refer to the sastras;
Caitanya Caritamrta Madhya 20.352
If there was some adjustment to societal roles that Srila
Prabhupada made it must be considered temporary, and the sastric roles or
principles are to be reintroduced otherwise why would he mention the point
above? At any rate, we are not qualified to change any rules of sastra. Srila
Prabhupada, the acarya, has given his opinion on varnasrama and that we should
establish it. He has clearly delineated roles of brahmanas, ksatriyas, women,
sannyasis, brahmacaris, farming in his books and those instructions are
non-different from sastra. Edicts of sastra are eternal;
There is no compromise. This is real
religion. The Krsna says, na ca tasmad manusyesu kascid me priya-krttamah. So
this is the person who has received the authority to draw mercy water from the
ocean of mercy of Krsna. Saksad-dharitvena samasta-sastraih. And what Krsna
said five thousand years ago, the same thing Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, same
thing. There was no change, as there was no change between the statement of
Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura and Narottama dasa Thakura. Sadhu sastra. As
sastra, there is no change. Not that
"Modernize. The sastra should be changed." No. That is nonsense. That is not sastra.
Sastra cannot be changed. "Circumstantially, it will be changed, seasonal
changes." No. That is not sastra. Sastra means it is perpetual.
The sastra
cannot be changed. God’s words cannot be changed. Then what will be the difference
between God and ourself? He is always perfect. He is always perfect. What He
said forty millions of years ago, what He said five thousand years ago, that is
also correct up to date. That is sastra. Not that "So many years have
passed and it has become old. Now let us reform it and put it into a new way.
No. You can put the same thing in a new way, but you cannot change the
principle. Sadhu sastra guru-vakya, tinete kariya aikya. Sastra is never
changed. And the sadhu... Sadhu means who
follows the sastras. He is sadhu. He also does not change. Sadhu, sastra. And
guru? Guru means who follows the sastra and sadhu. So there are three, the
same. A guru will not change, that "it was
spoken five thousand years ago. That is not applicable now. Now I am giving you
something new, jugglery." He is useless. Sadhu sastra
guru-vakya tinete kariya aikya. Yah sastra-vidhim utsrjya vartate kama karatah,
na siddhim avapnoti [Bg 16.23].”
Srimad-Bhagavatam 5.6.8 Vrndavana,
November 30, 1976
In conclusion, the roles that are given in Srila Prabhupada’s
books and in sastra should be followed as our guru-parampara, and Krsna desired
and we should not change them giving an excuse of change in circumstances,
society etc.
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