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Showing posts from February, 2020

Why Sridhar Swami resigned from the GBC as told by Suhotra Swami

This talk took place sometime in the early 2000s. Suhotra Swami:                                                                                             I had a long and intimate talk with Sridhar Maharaja yesterday. He is one of my Godbrothers with whom I can reveal my mind in confidence. He jokingly says it is because our initials are the same, "SS." In many ways he and I have the same mind about a lot of things. For example, he resigned from the GBC a few years ago, just as I resigned this year. His "excuse" for resigning is that he has a liver condition that endangers his health.   And that is true. Twice he went into a coma from this condition. But now he is doing better, has lots of energy, travels around the world, preaches, and his major project is to raise funds to build the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium in Sridhama Mayapur. It is to this project that he has dedicated the rest of his life.   But his liver sickness

When the disciple is loyal to Prabhupada but the guru is not

Watch what happens when Dharma das, a disciple of Bir Krsishna Gosvami asks his guru how we can accept FDG if Srila Prabhupada directly states no woman can be diksa guru in SB 4  canto. Listen to creative "arguments" given by BKG... Please watch from 38:28 This is what happens when the disciple wants to follow Srila Prabhupada but the guru does not.